Monday, May 30, 2011

MS Bike Ride

So one of the goals I made for myself this year is to be more active.  I'm currently doing yoga 2 to 3 days a week.  I've also wanted to ride my bike more.  This year my company is having a team to participate in the Kansas City MS Bike ride this September.  While I know I'm not going to be able to do the whole 150 miles in two days, I am striving to make the 71 mile one day ride.  It's a goal that I believe I can achieve.  Plus it motivates me to actually ride more. 

Now I typically don't do this but we are encouraged to raise money for this event.  While the goal is only $200, anything raised will be great.  If you would like to donate please click here.

I appreciate the support (emotional and/or monetary).  Let's see where this adventure takes me. 

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